Inspirational Speaker


Over the past decade, Shaun has been on a relentless pursuit to aid individuals to see a way out of the rut they find themselves. Building plans both big and small to overcome their fears and create purposeful vision for their careers, just as she has done herself. Helping to create the life, you want one decision at time. Her gift for building relationships, creativity, innovative strategy, organizational efficiencies and speed with a sparkling personality offers game-changing support to her clients.

No one has a perfect life no matter what social media portrays. Everyone has struggles throughout our lives. How we adapt to those challenges are critical to our successes. The choices we make each day are critical in engineering our career trajectory. Creating the fulfilling life, you want starts with a choice to do something different.

Speaking Topics

Would your women’s group, organization, alumni association or industry conference benefit from inspirational speaker focused on career development and goal setting? Helping people make purposeful career decisions that engineer personal career growth. Achieving career satisfaction and success is our passion. Through speaking engagements, We assist individuals, corporate employees, symposium attendees and university alums in taking control of their careers.

Attitude Adjustments: Strategies to make purposeful career decisions.

Working Smarter Not Harder: Maximize every opportunity and create a few

Expand Your Network, Expand Your Opportunities

Shaun is also excited to tailor a presentation to meet the needs of your unique audience, event, and organization. Her areas of expertise include career development, goal setting, and more. Helping people achieve career satisfaction and success is our passion.

 What People Are Saying…

Since working with Shaun, I’ve been empowered to explore some of the deeper, more introspective issues regarding where see myself going and how I fit into the world. As a result of doing this work, I’m better connected to what feeds my passion and I’m encouraged to follow that path. I’m applying to graduate school in the field of mental health and am seeking a career that better aligns with my values and my desire to be of service to others.  

-Judy S.